So last week, we did an amateur debate session with Mr. Maul! Yeaay! We were divided into 7 groups, and each of the groups had to choose one topic to discuss and turn it into a debate motion. There’s a lot of topics in the newspaper tho, but here’s the review of our debate/discussion!
1st group’s topic: “Tanah Abang Skybridge to be Built with Rp.50 billion fund”
• Pedestrians will walk more quickly and the trip will not be so tiring because they don’t have to walk in a far distance by using the skybridge.
• Increase the income of the angkot drivers, and decrease the use of private vehicles because of the skybridge. The risk of traffic jams would be decreased too.
• The cost consists of Rp.50 billion fund is too much, the government could use the fund to increase the facilities in the lower quality cities or village that needs more help.
My Opinion: From my prespective, the skybridge’s fund should be minimalized because it costs too much. But it is really necessary to build a skybridge; especially in Tanah Abang area that was really easy for people to find traffic jams there. People tend to use private vehicles to go there instead of public transportations because the area has no skybridge. So I agreed with the pro team, but they should propose some solutions for the fund problem.
2nd group’s topic: “Freeport Deal’s still Unclear”
• Government promised to take Freeport’s income by 51% for Indonesia
• The deal is from the government, and there will be no interferences from anyone.
• People thought that it is still not fair that Indonesia only take that small percentage. It should be higher because the resources is ours, not Freeports’.
• The resources will disappeared sooner or later, and people demand Indonesia and Freeport to clear the deal.
My opinion: Well, personally I agree with both teams. Yes, Freeport has been mining Indonesia’s resources for too long, and Indonesia loses a lot of chance to increase the profits for the country. But on the other hand, Indonesia still have a lot of corruption, and misbehavior cases by the government itself. So I doubted the government if they fully manage Freeport by their own, and take the profits.
3rd group’s topic: “LGBT should stay low”
• LGBT violates the values of Islam religion, and the majority of Indonesian is Moslem.
• If LGBT community’s misbehavior were spreaded in the society, children will believe it is normal to do things that violates their religions’ values.
• If LGBT stayed low, it will violates their human rights to express their opinions.
• More people would not aware of their existence of rights to love the same gender. They will be more chances of bullying, defamation, etc if LGBT stayed low.
My opinion: Because I was raised in Islamic beliefs, I believe that it is not right to agree with LGBT’s ideology because every human was made by God to pair with different gender. I was really devastated by the fact some bad people that profess as LGBT community in social medias was doing some misbehavior acts such as persuade the young to join them, and spread bad content for the young generation in Indonesia. But, on the other side, the people in LGBT community had been receiving bad acts such as bullying by the society. We have to have tolerance to them because they have the rights to choose how they live, even we don’t have the same prespective as they are.
4th group’s topic: “Sleeping Too Much or Too Little increase Risk of Health Conditions”
• Based on researches, sleeping duration does relate to our metabolic system, and health conditions.
• Creativity needs a healthy body that gets enough sleep
• There were many factors that affect health conditions other than sleeping durations.
• Creativity increased if we sleep too little
My Opinion: Both teams were right because each people in this world have their own capability of metabolic system. Let’s say if someone slept too little, but he is used to it, and he didn’t get sick. But someday, he gets a diarrhea. Well we couldn't quickly blame his sleeping duration right? It maybe caused by his laziness to clean his hands, etc. Creativity also depends on the person, and sleeping duration doesn’t really affect too much to our creativity.
5th group’s topic: “Egg Price too high in Ramadhan”
• It is a normal thing because in economic law, if the amount of the item is less than demand, the price of the item will be higher.
• Poor people will probably starve because they can’t buy eggs
My Opinion: Eggs is the most important food in Indonesia because it is the most common ingredient to cook any dishes in the country, so many people find this case a burden. People should find alternatives to decrease the demand of eggs, and the price would be normalized if people do that. We could try vegan foods, and other high protein dishes without eggs! In that way Indonesians will be more creative in cooking.
6th group’s topic: “Safer Crossings”
• Don’t waste time for the pedestrians, and the vehicles because they don’t have to wait the train to pass
• Decrease risks of accidets
• Will make traffic jams while the progress of the constructions
• Costs too much
My opinion: I agreed with the pro team because it is really necessary to make safer crossings to make mobility more efficient, effective, and safer. Even it costs too much, we still need the infrastructure to get better along time.
7th group’s topic: “MUI Disannounce Night Prayers (Taraweeh) in Monas”
• Istiqlal mosque is closer than Monas
• Prayers are better to do in the mosque
• Night prayers in Monas were only held in Saturdays.
• More people will be motivated to do prayers because it’s held in Monas
My opinion: Personally, I agree pro team more than the con team because if we do night prayers in Monas regularly on Saturdays, it will invite more street vendors, and the prayer wouldn’t be that effective. Mobility was also disturbed, because they have to use another road to avoid disturbing the night prayer. If we use Monas to pray Eid, it is okay because the prayer is held in a holiday, it is in the morning, and most likely every Moslem in Jakarta needs to pray together in a big field such as Monas.
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