I'm 16 years old, I was born in Cimahi, and my parents decided to name me as Feodora Putri Humaira. 'Feodora' was derived from Greek language, it means God's blessing, Putri was derived from Indonesian language that means a girl; and 'Humaira' was actually a nickname that Rasulullah (peace be upon him) gave to Aisya. My parents hoped that I as an individual; could be a girl that depict the one of the best Muslima that ever lived, Aisya. I'm the only child, well you could potray me as a spoon-fed girl because of that fact; but YES, I admit that I was a spoiled girl back then. As I had grown up, I realised that I need to change. I need to be more independent and to make my parents' aspiration when I was born; to be a reality. I need to be a figure that I was named for. From that point, I started to change my mindset to get out from my comfort zone. Usually in my leisure time, I only did non-productive things; for instance: scrolling instagram timeline, p...